Adding UserMetrics to your app on Ubuntu Touch
The Welcome Screen infographic is one of the key components for the customization of the user experience on Ubuntu Touch, beautiful visualisations of data from multiple sources, the UserMetrics
is the responsible component for updating the infographic using QML.
To use the UserMetrics
QML module you need to install qtdeclarative5-usermetrics0.1
package on the desktop :
$ sudo apt-get install qtdeclarative5-usermetrics0.1
Apparmor Policy groups
Add the usermetrics
to your apparmor file :
"policy_groups": [
"policy_version": 1.0
First you need to import the UserMetrics
module :
import UserMetrics 0.1
Then create the metric(s) :
Metric {
/* Set a unique ID for each metric object you use so you can access it in your QML code. */
id: gameMetric
/* Set a unique name for each metric object, this is used for the storage of the metric data. */
name: "game-metrics"
/* This is the format for the plural case. */
format: "%1 missions completed today"
/* This is the format for no data for the day. */
emptyFormat: "0 missions completed today"
/* This is the gettext domain used for the localisation, you can use the applicationName. */
domain: "com.ubuntu.developer.daker.mygame"
The Metric component provides two methods :
— increment(double amount = 1.0)
: You can use this method if you want to increment metric by a specific amount ex: gameMetric.increment(3) or gameMetric.increment() to increment the metric by 1. — update(double value)
: You can use this method if you want to reset the metric and set a specific amount ex: gameMetric.update(5)
The use of the Metric is not limited by the number.