Hello World

Hello World! I’ve been wanting a to start my own blog for a while now. Time and other constraints have been preventing me, but I finally sat down over the last week-end and hacked together what you actually see.

It’s all handwritten in markdown, generated by mynt, and powered by Github pages, with commenting by Disqus.

I have decided to license the content of this website under a Creative Commons license; CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported, to be exact. This means that you can take what I will write on this blog, reuse it for whatever you see fit, or combine it with other content under the same license, e.g. from Wikipedia. The only requirements are that :

  • you quote where you got it from, i.e. from me (Adnane Belmadiaf) and this website (daker.me)
  • you share the result under the same license

So feel free to leave a comment or tweet me @AdnaneBelmadiaf.